Why a two-part appeal is most effective
Aren't we hammering them over the head with a need for funds? On the contrary, by splitting the appeal, we are softening the blow they may be expecting. .
At our dinners, we desire to make the evening as comfortable as possible while still challenging them with an opportunity to partner. Historically, those who have attended Development events have indicated the evening appeal alone doesn't give enough space to hear what God is saying regarding giving. Our first appeal (conducted right after the Ministry Update) allows for someone to think and contemplate their options early – thus taking the pressure off the rest of the evening.
The person who does the appeal MUST establish credibility with the audience. It is nearly impossible to do that by just doing one portion of the appeal
By the time the second appeal comes (merely a recap of the first appeal), the individual is adequately prepared - having heard the messages, testimonies, and songs - to give as the Lord truly leads. The last half is focused more on filling out the commitment device rather than the appeal. DON'T RUSH this portion of the event, even if you are running late for the evening. Quick Reminder: Why the same person does both halves of the appeal
The person who does the appeal MUST establish credibility with the audience. It is nearly impossible to do that by just doing one portion of the appeal - most people need to earn the right to ask. During the first half, you explain the ways to give, and then you promise to come back again and provide them with the opportunity. When the guests see you the second time, they know in their minds that it is time to give. You don't want them to be surprised by your arrival. Surprises hinder giving!