This step of the cycle is where you find who could enter the Major Partner Cycle. Start by brainstorming names of people you know, then move onto to people you may have never met yet.
This step of the cycle is where you find who could enter the Major Partner Cycle. Start by brainstorming names of people you know, then move onto to people you may have never met yet.
This step of the cycle is where you find who could enter the Major Partner Cycle. Start by brainstorming names of people you know, then move onto to people you may have never met yet.

Welcome to the Team Leader Toolkit! TeamGold has so much content that it can be hard to navigate, especially for leaders who might not know where to start or how to find what they're looking for. The TL Toolkit strives to be your one-stop shop that points you where you need to go and highlights the most relevant parts of the site for you and your team.
This page has been designed specifically to assist Team Leaders working within the Campus Ministry of Cru. If you are not with Cru, not in the Campus Ministry, or not a Team Leader, you may find a lot of information that isn't applicable to you. That said, we've left it public in case any other TeamGold are helped by it.