This step of the cycle is where you find who could enter the Major Partner Cycle. Start by brainstorming names of people you know, then move onto to people you may have never met yet.
This step of the cycle is where you find who could enter the Major Partner Cycle. Start by brainstorming names of people you know, then move onto to people you may have never met yet.
This step of the cycle is where you find who could enter the Major Partner Cycle. Start by brainstorming names of people you know, then move onto to people you may have never met yet.

TeamGold is a resource created by the Campus Ministry of Cru and maintained by various staff in US Cru.
All of our contributors and moderators represent over 100 years of Development experience, thousands of Development events, millions of dollars raised, and thousands of partner relationships.
Scroll down for more info on our team.
We are a completely free wealth of Development knowledge available to anyone working to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
TeamGold is a regularly updated site that includes world-class training coupled with practical guidance as you work to develop partners for your ministry.
Our public blog has contributors from various ministries and organizations.
Apart from the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, there are two main resources that every ministry needs: people and finances. Unfortunately, these two resources also tend to be some of the most scarce.
TeamGold exists to train teams & ministries to take what was scarce and make it abundant - to grow a team of significant partners who will help you achieve your vision.
TeamGold was started in 2013 as a site primarily used for planning Vision Dinners. Since its launch, thousands of missionaries from Cru and other organizations have used TeamGold to raise over $10,000,000 for their ministries.
Since it's conception, TeamGold has moved beyond simple direction for event planning and seeks to train its users to have a proper, broader Development strategy. Any team that thrives in Development is relying on a mixture of partner engagement events, major partner relationships, and community involvement.
In 2020, TeamGold underwent a major update to help better equip our users with a holistic view of Development. We've added extensive training, a regularly updated blog, a forum

Jim Dempsey
Associate Director
Cru US Campus Development
With over 30 years of experience in Fund Development, Jim helps to lead the Campus Ministry of Cru. Jim has helped to plan over 2,500 development events and produced a large portion of TeamGold's content.
SITE admin

Joe Summers
Team Leader
Development Coordinators
Joe leads a team of Cru staff dedicated to resourcing local teams with the help they need for Development. He is the primary editor of the site and regularly provides content related to training and event planning.

Ross Shearer
National Director of Development
Family Life
Ross oversees the Development training of all Family Life leaders and has nearly 10 years of experience leading in Development. He is the primary contributor to our training section and helped to create the original TeamGold.
key contributor

Melissa Summers
Team Leader
Development Coordinators
Melissa leads a team of Cru staff dedicated to resourcing local teams with the help they need for Development. She helps to manage the TeamGold blog as well as producing content for the training section.

David Foglesong
Graphic Designer
David has been an integral part of TeamGold since the beginning. He created the actual site itself along with all of our graphics.